Morning Conversation

Squeak’s Nightly Adventures, A Conversation Amongst Friends

Me: Morning Squeak!

Squeak: Welcome back downstairs!! You won’t believe what happened last night!

Me, ever the gossip: Do tell?

Squeak: I ran through the house 17 times and threw up.

Me, bored: Isn’t that what you do every night?

Squeak: Yeah, but usually I start on the couch and parkour to the chair, but last night—-get this—-I started on the chair and parkoured to the OTHER chair!

Me, humoring him: Wow!

Squeak: Yea, and then I saw a bug. Which I didn’t kill because you know I’m a sadist not a murderer, so I just pulled his legs off and left him in the kitchen for you, right by my hairball.

Me: Oh great, thanks!

Squeak: I’m going to need to knead you now.

Me, resigned: Sigh, ok

A cute black cat with a snaggle tooth

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